Thursday 20 October 2011

History of Electronic Games

An electronic game is some thing that allows the user to interact with a visual electronic device which generates video responses. It is usually controlled by something called a game controller which can be a keyboard of a computer, joystick, remote etc. 

The first ever such device was developed in 1947 called the "Cathode Ray amusement device". This was developed by Thomas Goldsmith Jr.   Then the simple game "tic tac toe" was adapted as a computer game in 1952. A tennis game in 1958 and a "Spacewar" in 1961 were some of the early developments. 

The first coin operated commercial game was developed in 1971 called the "Computer Space." Then game called "Pong" was developed as a home version in 1975.

Then in the early 1980's games like "Star Treck" and "Pac Man" was developed for home use as personal compute use rapidly started growing. 

During the late 80's the quality of the games developed for home use increased reducing the interest in arcade games. Then in 1989 came the "Game Boy." Sega and Atari also developed handheld consoles during this time but did not have the popularity of the Game boy due to number of circumstances. 

After 1993 the 5th generation consoles started imerging. This included the Sega Saturn and the early play-station. Also the very popular Nintendo 64 was also a 5th generation development done in 1996.

Then the new millennium gave us 6th generation game consoles. This gave us the now pupular XBox and the Game boy advanced. Also the advancement of online and moble phone games has been very drastic in this time. 


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