Thursday 13 October 2011

Munchkin Experience

Munchkin is based on the concept of munchkins which means gamers who are involved in role playing games.
The idea of the game is to reach level 10 before the other players.

It has 2 different sets of cads named 'Door cards' and 'Treasure cards.' The game begins with the first player drawing a 'door' card. The door card can have 2 main things;

  1. Monster - when a monster appears the player has different option he/she can take
    1. Fight monster (requires a monster with greater power)
    2. Run away (if the monster in hand is lower or equal power)
    3. Ask for help (if one of the other players are willing help can be obtained with deal negotiated)
  2. Curse cards take effect immediately. A curse can include a number of different things such as;
    1. Loose your Race
    2. Loose you highest power
    3. Go down a level etc
This is as far as I understood the game, more time spent on the game may get me to further understanding but I don't think learning this is productive.

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