Thursday 13 October 2011

Narrative Structure of Movies

A narrative structure of a movie is divided in to 3 main categories;

  1. Set-up: This is where the story line is established, where characters and the driving situation of the movie is introduced.
  2. Conflict: This is where the story line continues. In this section the characters are moved into the driving situation of the movie. 
  3. Resolution: This is obviously where the story moves on to a climax where the characters face the situation head on and resolve it to end the movie. 
The first movie I choose is 'The Spy Next Door' which is a action comedy. On this the story is very well set up when the family is introduced one by on. The youngest as a very playful young girl, then the middle child who is very cheeky and the oldest who is a typical teenager. Also the fact that oldest say "I hate this family" develops doubt in the viewers mind moving in to conflict as well. Then the mother is introduced and then the a very simple man is introduced as the neighbour.
After that the movie moves in to the neighbours house take us in to conflict mode. After that the conflic develops with different fights, situations and by new characters.
Then these conflicts are resolved by the man who was deemed to be the hero of the movie from the start, the simple neighbour who has a hidden side of his life.

The next movie I choose is "Unstoppable" released in 2010, this is a thriller movie.  This has taken slightly different approach on the narrative structure side of things. The set up and the conflict takes turns for most of the movie. The scenes switch from the set-up to conflict and gives the viewer a very unique experience.
On the first scene one of the main characters is introduced and then shows a few different shots to show  what stage his life is in. Then the attention is moved towards where the conflict is developing, the train getting away. Then it moves to introducing the other main character.
In this way the movie is pushed and pulled until the characters final meet the train, this is where the set up is completely finished and the conflict takes center stage.
Then obviously the main characters moves in to the resolution phase and stops this runaway train with minimal public damage ending the movie.

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